Sustainability using telematics: 4 helpful tips
Op weg naar een duurzaam wagenpark De transportsector moet in 2050 volledig koolstofneutraal zijn. Commerciële wagenparken ondernemen daarom stappen om aan deze verandering bij te dragen. Telematica is een van de hulpmiddelen die bij de verduurzaming van een wagenpark kan worden ingezet. Wat kan telematica voor jou en jouw wagenpark betekenen op het gebied van […]
What should you look for when buying a trailer?
When buying a trailer, it is important to consider the risks involved in buying a used one that will probably need parts soon. Check for rust on the chassis, make sure the suspension is working properly, check the lights, make sure the joints between parts are solid, make sure the handbrake is working properly and […]
Are you taking advantage of your earned rest time?
Research by ROADPOL shows that 6% of truck drivers in the Netherlands do not have their driving and rest time in order or they manipulate their tachograph. This can have nasty consequences, such as: fines and higher penalties in accidents. But what are the rules around rest times and what if your employer does not […]
What is DV360 and what can you do with it?
You know the drill: you are looking at shoes online and then you read a news article on another website and are followed by the shoes you just looked at. A clever marketing trick that many sales platforms use. This is done via DV360. But what is DV360 and how can you use it? DV360 […]
What’s retargeting?
You probably come across the term retargeting more and more often. It’s a way to target advertising to potential buyers. But what exactly is retargeting and what are its benefits? With retargeting you reach an audience that has already seen your product/service once again. This is done by showing banners with your logo on them […]
The benefits of WhatsApp Business
Do you want to keep work and private life better separated and also establish your business professionally in WhatsApp? Then WhatsApp Business is the solution for you. But how exactly does it work and how do you install it? And what other advantages does WhatsApp Business have? You read it in this blog article. 1 […]
The advantages of tracking your vehicles, machines and equipment
Manufacturers equip their vehicles and machines with sensors. In this way they learn a lot about things like location, engine management, driving style and idling. However, this does not mean that they share this information with you. That’s a pity, because it’s just the thing to get direct benefits from both your new and existing […]
The 3 advantages of renting or leasing a forklift truck
Lift trucks are the logistics solution to provide routine in the organisation of your business. Indeed, in addition to their easy operation, there are many equipment options, allowing you to choose the equipment that best suits your work routines. Whether in the (agro-)industry, or logistics, renting or leasing a forklift has a positive impact on […]
How do I create a secure password?
As a trader, you obviously don’t want anyone else to use your stock illegally. Therefore, you should protect your accounts in which you manage your stock well with a secure password. How do I create a secure password? A secure password (also called ‘strong’ password) is a password that cannot be easily cracked by an […]