The role of telematics in the transportation industry

Telematics refers to the integration of information technology into vehicles and logistics processes. It improves transportation efficiency and safety. The role of telematics in the transportation industry is indispensable, in part because of control from government agencies. For both businesses and customers, telematics contributes positively. Below we discuss some of the main applications of telematics […]

Greater efficiency through new baler-wrapper combination

A new baler-wrapper combination that focuses on maximum efficiency is here! This is the Fusion 4 Plus from the Irish brand McHale. The new solutions guarantee higher baling densities resulting in better and tighter bales. In this article you will learn more about: The main innovations of the McHale Fusion 4 Plus The McHale Fusion […]

Sustainability using telematics: 4 helpful tips

The transportation sector must be completely carbon neutral by 2050. Commercial fleets are therefore taking steps to contribute to this change. Telematics is one of the tools that can be used in making a fleet more sustainable. What can telematics do for you and your fleet in terms of sustainability? We are happy to answer […]

Transport companies more often choosing alternative revenue sources to cut costs

Recent years have shown how unpredictable the economy can be. Staff shortages, disruption in production, delayed deliveries and rising costs. Within transport, these have been challenging years. For the coming year too, these challenges persist. Transport companies are increasingly looking at ways to cut costs or generate additional revenue. Advertisement One of these ways is […]

Are you taking advantage of your earned rest time?

Research by ROADPOL shows that 6% of truck drivers in the Netherlands do not have their driving and rest time in order or they manipulate their tachograph. This can have nasty consequences, such as: fines and higher penalties in accidents. But what are the rules around rest times and what if your employer does not […]

The advantages of tracking your vehicles, machines and equipment

Manufacturers equip their vehicles and machines with sensors. In this way they learn a lot about things like location, engine management, driving style and idling. However, this does not mean that they share this information with you. That’s a pity, because it’s just the thing to get direct benefits from both your new and existing […]

How a fleet management system can make your job easier

Are you a carrier or freight company? Then you know this problem: you’re struggling because of the many challenges facing the fleet industry. Those challenges include: rising fuel prices, changing regulations and a shortage of skills. All these challenges make it difficult to be efficient, competitive and profitable. A fleet management system is the solution […]

The 3 advantages of renting or leasing a forklift truck

Lift trucks are the logistics solution to provide routine in the organisation of your business. Indeed, in addition to their easy operation, there are many equipment options, allowing you to choose the equipment that best suits your work routines. Whether in the (agro-)industry, or logistics, renting or leasing a forklift has a positive impact on […]
