Finding the right buyer quickly

Want to grow your business by selling more, more easily and in less time, at an even better price? Then read these 6 tips for finding the right buyers. In this blog post, we use forklift trucks as an example, but the tips also apply to other vehicles and machines. The video includes English subtitles […]

The advent and development of the rubbish truck

Until the Middle Ages, everyone cleared their own rubbish or put it on the street. Then a cart pulled by horses would come by to collect it. Nowadays, waste collection goes through motorised rubbish trucks. We would like to tell you more about how the rubbish truck came into being and what variants there are […]

Truck platooning

Truck platooning, there have been tests on this ‘principle’ for years. But what exactly does truck platooning entail? What does it deliver and can it be successful? We have listed the facts for you. Increase in goods transport The transport of goods continues to grow. In 2018, 1.7 billion tonnes of goods were transported to, […]

Old school trucks

Headline photo is from Back to the Oldskool/Jurian van der Hart Old-school trucks are more popular than ever. Every year, more and more truck festivals are held, where (mostly) older truck models are put on display. When asked, many drivers admit that they are more attracted by the older models than the newer ones. But […]

Quality and safety of roads around the world

Around the world, the quality of roads varies greatly. What’s more, some countries have safer roads than others. But which are the best, safest, worst and most dangerous roads in the world? Best roads In 2018, the Netherlands featured in the top 10 best roads in the world. At the time, the Netherlands ranked 3rd. […]

Will there be more female truckers?

There is a shortage of truckers. That’s why women are now being urged through campaigns to become truck drivers. But what makes this interesting for them? Shortage of (female) truckers The economy is growing strongly, and the transport of products and materials is increasing as a result. At the same time, the number of truckers […]
