AI assistant Charlie: The smart help for buyers and sellers

In the world of trucks and machinery, finding the right buyer or seller can be a challenge. With help from Charlie, TrucksNL’s AI assistant, it will be a lot easier. Charlie is designed to streamline and optimize the process of buying and selling. This allows both buyers and sellers to quickly close the right deal. […]

What are cookies and how do they work?

As a website visitor you are always asked whether you want to accept cookies. But what exactly is a cookie? And how does it work? A cookie is a technical function which enables companies to analyse the behavior of website visitors anonymously and thereby classify them into different target groups. For example: when someone views […]

What is DV360 and what can you do with it?

You know the drill: you are looking at shoes online and then you read a news article on another website and are followed by the shoes you just looked at. A clever marketing trick that many sales platforms use. This is done via DV360. But what is DV360 and how can you use it? DV360 […]

What’s retargeting?

You probably come across the term retargeting more and more often. It’s a way to target advertising to potential buyers. But what exactly is retargeting and what are its benefits? With retargeting you reach an audience that has already seen your product/service once again. This is done by showing banners with your logo on them […]

The benefits of WhatsApp Business

Do you want to keep work and private life better separated and also establish your business professionally in WhatsApp? Then WhatsApp Business is the solution for you. But how exactly does it work and how do you install it? And what other advantages does WhatsApp Business have? You read it in this blog article. 1 […]

These posts on social media business pages score well

You want your business page(s) on social media to remain relevant to your potential buyers. This increases the chance that they continue to follow you. And therefore you can reach them to promote your stock. In this blog article you”ll find a number of good scoring social media posts. Don’t have your own company page(s) […]

4 tips to increase your online brand awareness

As a trader you have a large stock of trucks, machines and/or parts. Of course you want to reach your potential buyers in as many ways as possible. What are the best ways to do this online? Nowadays, everyone has an account on one of the social media channels, think: Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. Chances […]

How to create a successful business page on social media

Nowadays, everyone can be found on social media. So are your buyers. That’s why it’s important to have your own business page on one or more social media channels. But how do you make such a page successful? There are of course several social media channels where you can create a business page. In this […]

Do you want to be found better in Google? Make sure your website is optimized!

We have entered an era where the Internet is here to stay. Nowadays everyone searches for everything through the search engine Google. But how do you make sure that your website is better found in Google? What is website optimization and how can you as a business professional take advantage of this? Do you have […]
